What 30 Promises

Robyn Christine Waite
2 min readOct 13, 2019

Happy birthday woman. You are officially in your thirties. I know it sounds crazy, but you always knew that time wouldn’t stand still for you. Thirty shouldn’t seem scary; you are still young and beautiful, and I know you are about to step into your prime with grace.

Yes, you need to move on from your studies and start “adulting” more consistently, but I know you got this. Twenty-nine was a necessary and difficult year of transition and growth. It needed to be a struggle because you needed to open your eyes a bit wider and to prepare for what could come. Know that I will always be proud of you if you can find lessons in everything you experience. To mark the start of an important new decade, these are the ones I want you to keep front of mind:

  1. Know yourself and protect the identity that you create
  2. Own and define all of your relationships for yourself
  3. Support others, but never let this compromise on supporting yourself
  4. Observe, experiment, and have fun

Follow the lessons that you have learned to date and you should do fine. Remember that life is precious and you have been very blessed. Don’t take one second for granted and do your very best to use your gifts to contribute to making this world a little bit brighter.

Cheers to your thirties and all the future lessons that you learn! Love always and forever from your best friend and number one cheerleader,

~ Robyn Christine Waite

October 13, 2019

Originally published at http://robynchristinewaiteblog.wordpress.com on October 13, 2019.

